Professional Development

We believe that investing in teachers significantly increases student achievement and opportunities for success in all areas.

Space Across the Curriculum

We recognize that teachers face many challenges in developing lesson plans that engage students, meet district and state standards and are fun and rewarding to deliver. This is why we place a great deal of focus on delivering professional development to educators with programs that meet education standards by integrating science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics (STEAM) into daily curriculum. Our courses use space as the “hook” to engage students and provide activities that are instantly transferable to the classroom. Our Teacher Liaison program links master educators from around the globe for networking, support and exchange.

Educator Professional Development Workshops

The Space Foundation offers a number of programs for all teachers:

  • Classes held at the Space Foundation Discovery Center in Colorado Springs, CO
  • Courses can be conducted for half-day or full-day sessions at your school
  • Professional development courses can be a part of the Space in the Community program
Teachers on Mars

Teachers engage in a remote Mars mission in the Space Foundation Discovery Center Mars Robotics Laboratory in a professional development course.

Student with telescope
Students with experiment
Child coloring

Train-the-Trainer Teacher Professional Development Workshop

Join us for a week-long project-based educator professional development workshop that will inspire, educate, and empower educators through the power of STEM learning.  Participants will receive tools, resources, and materials that are adaptable to any learning environment.  

  • Course A: Biology - Physical and Emotional Impacts of Long-Term Space Flight (Grades 6-12):

Space is harsh. From the physical impact on the human body, to mental challenges from isolation, astronauts on long duration missions will face many challenges in this unforgiving environment. Yet just as students and teachers have persevered through a variety of unexpected challenges, so do scientists and engineers as they study the impacts of space travel on the human body. Their findings will change life both in space and on Earth as we prepare to go further than ever before. 

During this Space Across the Curriculum course focused on grades 6-12, participants will discover the effects of microgravity on the human body, looking at a range of areas from the brain, bone density, the cardiovascular system, and other areas of human health. They will engage in hands-on lessons and a culminating project, all of which are aligned to the Next Generation Science and Engineering standards. Participants will also learn about mental health challenges, looking at the impacts of isolation and handling stress when in the confines of spacecraft, and learn ways to introduce these topics to students through communication and teamwork challenges. In addition, educators will discover the ways space agencies all around the world are utilizing innovative new technologies in order to train the most diverse group of astronauts to date. 

Participants will leave with the resources to incorporate these cross-circular and project-based lessons into their schools, as well as a certificate for 40 Professional Development hours following completion of the course.

When: June 24-28, 2024, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., daily

Where: Space Foundation Headquarters, 4425 Arrowswest Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80907 (In person only) 

Cost: One-time investment fee of $375 (valued at $2,000) Transportation and travel costs are not included.   

Attendance Cap: 30 teachers  

What’s Included: 40 Professional Development hours (Certificate will be delivered upon completion of course) 

  • Course B: Beyond Books - Cosmic Classroom Connections (Grades K-3):

Space Foundation's PreK-3 Space Across the Curriculum course has been reimagined to embrace STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) principles, emphasizing the interdisciplinary nature of education. This program is tailored for Early Childhood educators who seek to ignite the curiosity and creativity of the next generation of innovators through inquiry-based learning. 

During this NGSS aligned course, instructors will guide teachers through a series of age-appropriate, hands-on activities that can be immediately incorporated into their classrooms. With literacy as the catalyst, even the youngest explorers will embark on an exciting journey to discover the world around them, bridging small steps and giant leaps in their understanding of science and the arts. 

One of the course's most exciting features is the culminating project, which underscores the power of interdisciplinary collaboration. Teachers will be encouraged to create children's books that fuse science and art, allowing them to share their creations with their peers. The goal is to bring this collaborative book project to their classrooms, giving students the opportunity to either write their books independently or collaborate as a class, tailoring the experience to the grade level of the learners. This project will not only inspire a love for learning but also promote the vital skills of creative expression, critical thinking, and team collaboration. 

Participants will leave with the resources to incorporate these cross-circular lessons into their schools, as well as a certificate for 40 Professional Development hours following completion of the course.

When: June 24-28, 2024, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., daily 

Where: Space Foundation Headquarters, 4425 Arrowswest Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80907 (In person only)

Cost: One-time investment fee of $375 (valued at $2,000). (Transportation and travel costs are not included)  

Attendance Cap: 30 teachers per course 

What’s Included: 40 Professional Development Hours (Certificate will be delivered upon completion of course)

Dr. Rochelle B. Abrams Space Across the Curriculum Astronomy (Grades 5-12):

Dr. Rochelle B. Abrams Space Across the Curriculum Astronomy Professional Development course guides teachers from the basics of scientific principles to the cutting edge of astronomy research.  Discover how to inspire your students by engaging them in hands-on, project-based learning and a variety of lessons that explore the latest advancements in the field of astronomy. Lessons include topics such as black holes, gravitational waves, the search for life, cosmology, star formation, and more. Lessons also explore the myths and legends that ancient cultures associated with the heavens, establishing connections between our modern perspective and that of past cultures. 

Twenty lessons cover an array of NGSS and Common Core Standards from grades 5-12 and culminate in a project that leverages the students’ newfound knowledge.  Investigate the newest discoveries made by the James Webb Space Telescope that are helping us unlock the secrets of the cosmos.  Encourage your students to learn how the study of our universe provides insight to our place within it.  

Participating teachers receive a stipend and a certificate for 40 Professional Development hours following completion of the course. 

When: June 10-14, 2024, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., daily  

Where: Space Foundation Headquarters, 4425 Arrowswest Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80907 (In person only) 

Cost: Free, participating educators receive a $500 stipend. Transportation and travel costs are not included.   

Attendance Cap: 25 teachers  

What’s Included: 40 Professional Development hours and a $500 educator stipend (Certificate and stipend will be delivered upon completion of course) 

Applications are now closed.  Applicants will be notified of their application status by April 15th.

For a full list of available topics and times, please contact the Education department at

Start Today to Build a Brighter Future!

For further information, call the Space Foundation at 719.319.3678 or 800.691.4000